Vorobyov Sergei
Vorobyov Sergey Anatolyevich
Radio operator, died on 29.12.2012 at the Progress station from a heart attack.
He was buried in Russia.

Born on August 23, 1955 in the Amur region.
Spent his childhood in the Turist village, Dmitrovsky district, near Moscow.
At 24, he left to conquer the Arctic as a radio operator. He worked in the Chukotka territory for 12 years. It was there, at Uelen, where he met his wife Elena. She was the mother of their three children. Then, in 1996, Sergey brought his family to live near Moscow. He continued to go on expeditions, but to the sixth continent.
‘Dad was always drawn to Antarctica,’ his daughter Alexandra recounts. ‘He used to say that his soul was there; that it was so different from the mainland; that in that place God was close.’

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