Puchkov Vadim
Puchkov Vadim Vladimirovich
An engineer for the operation of devices, died on 17.01.2022 at the Novolazarevskaya station after suffering a covid.
He was buried in Russia.

Born in 1959 in Kronstadt.
Vadim was a very modest person. He talked of his job in a way that made one think it was the most trivial occupation.
The explorer gave Antarctica over ten years of his life. Vadim himself predicted that he would pass away on the sixth continent. ‘I’ll keep coming here till the end of my days’. He did not return home from his last, ninth, winter season.
During Vadim’s very first Antarctic winter in 1987 he lived at the local Soviet capital, the Molodyozhnaya station. He was a geophysicist specialising in atmospheric phenomena in the ionosphere.
Later Vadim’s research became more varied, and in his final expeditions he studied our planet’s climate by the earthshine. Its observation lets scientists determine the way the climate changes.
Vadik loved Antarctica, he loved his job, and he wanted to share the love for this Earth with everyone. He was a movie fan and would introduce his features with the NON-SCI-PUCH-FILM ‘studio’ opening.

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