27 May 1958, Horseshoe Island.

Stanley Black, meteorologist at Horsehoe Island, was lost whilst travelling over sea ice with Dave Statham and Geoff Stride on or about 27th May 1958. They had set out from Horseshoe with two dogs teams to observe the hatching period of an Emperor Penguin rookery on the Dion Islands, thirty seven miles to the west. They were observed that afternoon apparently negotiating a lead about a mile-and-a-half from Pourquoi Pas Island but the ice was blown out between the 29 and 30th. Despite an extensive and dangerous search being mounted they were never found. In the following days about half the dogs found their way back to the base in ones and twos. A number of them had had their traces cut as if they had been released to fend for themselves at a moment of great danger.

David McDowell, who moved to Horseshoe Island from Signy has written a memoire about life on the two bases and the effect of the accident. You can also read an extract from Sir Vivien's Fuch's book Of Ice and Men about this accident.

Black Pass lying North West South East three miles West of Mount Arronax, Pourquoi Pas Island in North East Marguerite Bay has been named after him.
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